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Stories.  Thoughts.  Process.  Technique.

Blog: Text
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Blog: Welcome

Fiber Fascination

About a year ago, a thought popped into my head: "What if I made my own fabric?" The thought was, in part, birthed out of frugality...

Course of Life

The "CV" is an interesting document: it states a person's education, experiences, body of work and achievements. I have been wanting to...

Doppler's Ghost

Is there a word for the strange sensations of a new place? I think most of us have experienced them in an unfamiliar house: the ticks,...

Experimenting with Ink Feathers

Water and ink react differently from paper to paper. They flow differently. They absorb differently. They show up differently. One type...

Under Pressure

I was honoured today to receive my contributor's copy of Winter 2021 Open Minds Quarterly: Explorations of life in a mad world. The topic...

Watercolour, Ink and Storytelling

Yesterday was a productive day in the "studio." I surround the word "studio" in quotation marks because I am as likely to work outside or...

Sketchbook Series -- Silly Rabbit

I drew pages of rabbit characters for a book I am currently illustrating. Some were cute, while others were more comical. These two...

Available to Work

I am currently available for both short-term and long-term illustration projects. If you would like to collaborate, please send an email...

Blog: Blog2
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